The Strategy

This content was originally intended towards the hundred of thousands of expats/immigrants living abroad, who often take long-haul flights, mainly to their home country or to bring their family and friends to visit them.

But don't worry, of course the techniques and practices mentioned here also apply 100% to anyone living in any country, the concepts are universal.

The intention of this website is to provide a knowledge base, enabling you to accumulate miles and book flights for yourself, your family, and friends, at a much lower cost than you would normally pay by purchasing with cash.


The content here was originally designed using as base some platforms available only in Brazil and a few other South American countries, since you can buy Miles for less than half of the best prices from any European/North American platforms.
Given that, many of the original content do not make sense to be shared in this English version, and it had to be removed until a better strategy adaption can be provided.

All content shared on this website is of public knowledge and has been extracted from open sources, such as blogs, videos, YouTube and Instagram live sessions, and contributions submitted by other people. If you believe that any content here is protected by copyright, please contact us to request credits or removal.
All the topics that you need to know about: ⬇️